CA1069411A - Anaesthesic system - Google Patents

Anaesthesic system


Publication number
CA1069411A CA269,341A CA269341A CA1069411A CA 1069411 A CA1069411 A CA 1069411A CA 269341 A CA269341 A CA 269341A CA 1069411 A CA1069411 A CA 1069411A
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Glenn E. Brown
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Publication of CA1069411A publication Critical patent/CA1069411A/en
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  • Respiratory Apparatuses And Protective Means (AREA)



A system for administering anaesthesia or analgesia to a patient in a safe and effective way while limiting the escape of the anaesthetic gases into the environment of the patient and the person administering the process.


In the administering of anaesthesic gases to patients a m~sk is pl~ced over the nosa or mouth of the patient and a controlled amount of the gas is permitted to flow into the mask ~ Inhalation o anaesthetic gas can be used to achieve a long range of predictable responses to pain which permits medical processes such as dental work to be perormed on the patient with less sensation of pain.
In systems used previously a substantial amount of the gas either escaped or was emptied into the room in which the patient is located. Approximately ive to ten liters of gas are clelivered to a patient under anaesthesia or analgesia.
Some of this ~as is absorbed into the body of the patient but the excess gas is allowed to escape înto the surrounding environmen through a pressure relief valve.
The gas which is abs~rbed into the body during anaesthesia also is exhaled by the patient as soon as the anaesthe~ic gas flow has been stopped rPsulting in virtually all the gas which has been administered to the patient under the present process being ultimately d~mped into the room.
A growing cQ~cern or the side effects of the escaped gases on the health of the operating personnel has been ~oiced by many medical groups and committees~
~. . .
The high level of waste anaesthesia present in operatories today are unnecessary and possibly harmful to the personnel involved. : Hospitals have already started to .:
make moves to effectivPly scavenye the anaesthetic gases in their operator1es to decrease the levels ~f gas inspired by their operating personnal. De~tal offices on -- ' ~ O

the other hand have had fewer regulations and levels tha-t have been found }n dental offices have been much higher and it is the aim of this product to help the dentist in his efforts to scavenge waste gases in the future. Thus it is the primary purpose of this invention to provide a process for adminis-tering anaesthesic gases in a manner to limit the exposure of the medical personnel to high concentrations of the gas both during the administering pxocess and afterwards.
A method of administexing anaesthesic gas to a patient by use of a mask which is placed over the patient's nose and/or mouth, which mask incorporates means to administer the anesthesic yas and also includes means to retrieve expired anaesthesic gas and transport said expired gas and the unin-haled gas out of the environment of the administering per-sonnel by the employment of a vacuum s~stem.
In one aspect the present invention provides a mask for administering gas to a patient comprising: .
(a) an inner cup-shaped wall arranged to fit over the nose or mouth of a patient and to engage the face of the patient along the peripheral edge thereof to form a gas chamber between the face of the patient and the inner surface of the inner wall;
(b) an outer wall secured to and spaced from the inner wall to form an exhaust passage therebetween communicating ,:
with the chamber for recelving exhaust yas exhaled by the patient into the chamber and having a peripheral edge disposed - in the vicinity of the peripheral edge of the inner wall de-fining means for receiving gas leaking between the peripheral edge of the inner wall and the face of the patient;

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(c) means connect~d to the inner wall and communicating - with the chamber for introducing gas into the chamber to be inhaled by the patient;
(d) means connected to the outer wall and communicating with the exhaust passage for removing the exhaust gas and the leakage gas; and (e) presssure control means connected between the inner and outer walls for communicating the chamber with the exhaust passage, the pressure control means being arranged for gas to enter the chamber from the means for introducing gas into the chamber when the patient inhales gas and arranged for exhaled gas to enter the exhaust pasisage from the chamber when the patient exhales gas.
In another aspect the present invention provides a sys-tem for administering gas in a treatment room to a patient which includes the mask as described in the preceding para-graph together with means, connected to the means for intro-ducing gas into the chamber of the mask, for supplying gas to be inhaled by the patient and means, connected to the means or removing exhaust gas and leakage gas, for conducting the exhaust gas and leakage gas to an area removed from the patient's treatment room.
_ Pig. 1. shows the mask placed on a patient or administering an anaesthesic gas;
Fig. 2, which appears on the second sheet of drawings, is a schematlc view of an anaesthesic gas-adminis-tering process incorporating the subject invention;
Pig. 3 is a cross-sectional view of an anaesthesic 30 mask incorporating the present invention; and -~

Fig. 4 is a bottom plan vlew of the anaesthesic ~ mask of Fig. 3. -4a-.



In Fig. 1 is shown a system for administering anaesthesic gas to a p~tient. As in prior systems, an anaesthesic gas such as oxygen and nitrous oxide is supplied rom a pair of tanks 10 and 11 through shutsff valves 12 and 14, respectively, to a standard mixing valve 15. In the mixing valve the gases are mixed and fed into a supply line 16 through a gas bag 17 for passage through a line 18 to an anaesthesic gas mask 19.
The overall gas flow rate is con~rolled at the mixing valve which is of a stan~ard design having flow control means as well as means for joining the gases together.
The person administering the flow can obtain a visual indication of the breathing volume and rate of the patient by observing the expansion and contraction o~
-the bag 17. In addition~ such pers~n can also administer a rapid fl~w of the gas by gr~bbing and squeezing the bag which causes accelerated ~low through the line 18 to the :~
. mask.
.~- . . ~ .
~0 As discussed previously, the patient usually breathes ~ only ~hrough the nose or mouth and it is over these organs ;: that the mask is placed. - In prior systems, the exhaled gas and~the gas fed through the mask which iS not inhaled :~
i5 usually dumped directly into the room surrounding the i : . . .
patlent which naturally ralses the concentration of such gas i~ that: room ~ach time the anaesthesic process is performed. : For instance in ~ dental office th~ process can b~ performed many tlmes a day and if the ~ir:is not.
- ~ sca~enged by passage through a non-recircula~ing air~
~ . : , .. . .
; -3n / conditioning system, the concentrations of the gas can :: , :

become quite high. Such concentrations can reach the level at which thedentist's consciousness and dexterity are actually affected by the continu-ous breathing of the gas.
In accordance with the present invention, means are provided for receiving substantially all of the gases supplied to the patient and con--ducting such gases to a point exterior of the treatment room to maintain the concentration oE the gases within the room at low levels. Thus there'is provided a special anaesthesic mask 19 which is connected to a pump 21 such that gas exhaled by the pa~tient, gas supplied to the mask but not inhaled by the patient and gas escaping around the mask are collected and pumped to a point exterior of the room by means of the pipe 20, the pump 21 and exhaust pipe 22 leading to a point exterior of the room.
An anaesthesic mask for incorporation into the present invention is shown in Fig. 2 and comprises an inner mask made up of an inner shell 24 which may be of thin flexible material having an opening 25 therein which ; permits entry of the nose or exit of supplied gases into the mouth. Such inner mask has connected thereto a pair of inlet tubes 26 and 27 connecting through the lines 28 and 29 to the supply line 18 leading from the anaes-thesic bag 17. Thus as gas flows through the supply line under the pre-' sure of the gases supplied from the tanks 10 and 11, it is forced to flow into the gas cavity formed within the inner shell 24 from which it can be inhaled by the patient to whi'ch the gas is being administered. As pointed DUt be~ore, the p~tlent usually breathes tùroueh ths nose and ther lore .


the mask commonly is placed over the nose, however if the patient actually breathes through the mouth, either the mask can be placed only over the mouth or the mask can be made of sufficient size to fit over both the nose and the mouth.
In the present invention the mask is provided with pressure con-trol means as for example a pressure relief valve 30 (Figs. 2 and 3) which valve is normally closed by the plunger 31 being spring-loaded over an opening 32 in the inner shell. Thus the gas which enters the inlet lines is contalned in the mask and can be readily inhaled by the patlent. Upon exhalation by the patient, the pressure within this inner mask is imme-diately increased suf~iciently to cause the plunger to compress the spring 34 to the position indicated in Fig. 4. Thus the exhaled gas is permitted --to pass through the pressure relief valve and into an exhaust passage 35 formed between the inner shell 24 and an outer shell 36 which may be of thin flexible material surrounding but spaced from that inner shell. Connect-ing with the exhaust passage 35 are a pair of exhaust tubes 37 and 38 in flow relationship with the exhaust lines 39 and 40 which join at the junc-ture with the exhaust line 20 connecting with the exhaust pump 21.
In a normal mask not using an exhaust pump the exhalation by the patient will cause a substantial increase in the flow of gas into the inner mask such that gas will escape between the edges 25A of the mask and `~
the patient's face. Naturally this leads to a substantial leakage of gas into the surroundings of the patient. However, by using an extract system providing a positive exhaust flow '`.

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by use of the pùmp 21 creating a negative pressure within the exhaus~ lines 20, 39 and 40, the gas is scavenged from the mask to thereby limit leakage through the opening 25A and the patient's ~ace.
In accordance with another featuxe of the inven~ion, the inner e~haust passage 35 opens adjacent the face of the patient at a continuous poxt 35A surrounding the edge 25A o~ the inner ma~k. Thus by $he creation of a negative pressure and because the edge ~ of the outer shell extends past the edge ~5A of the inner shell so as to press more ti~htly against ~he patien~'s face, any gas leaking between the juncture of the inner shell and the~
patient's face is i.mmediately scavenged through the port . 35A to the inner passage 35 and into the exhaust lines.
~With the crea~ion of a nega~ive pressure between the inner and outer shells there exists the possibility t~at the mask will become pressed suf~iciently close to the patient's face such that i* will stick to the face because-of the negative pressure within he passage 35 .20 and the atmospheric pressure outside the mask, To counteract this possibility means may be provided ~o limit the negative pressure within the passage 35. One : form of such meanB involves~the location of a series of relief holes ~e in the outer sheI1 36 connecting the , ` inner passage 35 with atmosphexe. Such relief ho}es are not large enough to permit total relief of the vacuum pressure within the passage 35 but do permi~ sufficien~
air flow to limit~such vacuum pressure. Of course an actual pressure relisf valve can also be ut.ilized if -~ 30 necsssary which valve would control clossly the ~acuum - 9 - - :

pressure maintalned within the inner passaye'35.
The mask can also be provided with straps or strap attachments 41 for attachment of the mask to the head of the patient. In addition, the pressure xelief ~alve can be made adjustable by the incorporation of a control knob 42 which is threaded into the ou~er wall 44. By tightening the thumb screw 4~ the tension on the sprill~ 34 can be increased to permit a higher buildup o~ pressure wi~hin the inner shell 24 prior to the ope~ing of ~he valve. Such a higher buildup might be desirable to - cause a quick ~low of oxygen to the patient fox medical purposes such as revLval. ~aid valve also permits the administration of the gas to control the fullness of the gas cavity and the breathLng reservoir.
In addition, another feature of the present invention involves tha manufacture of the mask from material which ~ .
is transparent. Such a tra~sparent mask enables the .
administering ~ersonnel to visually obRerve the proper ~:
placement of the mask over the patient's nose and mouth. .
Also the transparent mask can be inspected e~sily to detect the pres~nce of any foreign objects, dirt or other ~ . . .. .
pocketing or buildup.
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Claims (11)

The embodiment of the invention in which an exclusive property or privilege is claimed are defined as follows:
1. A mask for administering gas to a patient comprising:
(a) an inner cup-shaped wall arranged to fit over the nose or mouth of a patient and to engage the face of the patient along the peripheral edge thereof to form a gas chamber between the face of the patient and the inner surface of said inner wall;
(b) an outer wall secured to and spaced from said inner wall to form an exhaust passage therebetween communicating with said chamber for receiving exhaust gas exhaled by the patient into said chamber and having a peripheral edge disposed in the vicinity of the peripheral edge of said inner wall defining means for receiving gas leaking between said peripheral edge of said inner wall and the face of the patient;
(c) means connected to said inner wall and communicating with said chamber for introducing gas into said chamber to be inhaled by the patient;
(d) means connected to said outer wall and communicating with said exhaust passage for removing the exhaust gas and the leakage gas; and (e) pressure control means connected between said inner and outer walls for communicating said chamber with said exhaust passage, said pressure control means being arranged for gas to enter said chamber from said means for introducing gas into said chamber when the patient inhales gas and arranged for exhaled gas to enter said exhaust passage from said chamber when the patient exhales gas.
2. A mask as claimed in claim 1 wherein said inner wall is formed of a thin flexible material.
3. A mask as claimed in claim 2 wherein said outer wall has a cup shape and is formed of a thin flexible material.
4. A mask as claimed in claim 1 wherein said pressure control means comprises a pressure-relief valve interposed between said inner and outer walls in communication with said chamber and said exhaust passage, said pressure-relief valve being normally closed while gas enters said chamber from said means for introducing gas into said chamber to be inhaled by the patient, said pressure-relief valve being opened for exhaled gas to enter said exhaust passage from said chamber when the patient exhales gas.
5. A system for administering gas in a treatment room to a patient comprising:
A. a mask comprising:
(a) an inner cup-shaped wall arranged to fit over the nose or mouth of a patient and to engage the face of the patient along the peripheral edge thereof to form a gas chamber between the face of the patient and the inner surface of said inner wall, (b) an outer wall secured to and spaced from said inner wall to form an exhaust passage there-between communicating with said chamber for receiving exhaust gas exhaled by the patient into said chamber and having a peripheral edge disposed in the vicinity of said peripheral edge of said inner wall defining means for receiving gas leaking between said peripheral edge of said inner wall and the face of the patient, (c) means connected to said inner wall and communicating with said chamber for introducing gas into said chamber to be inhaled by the patient, and (d) means connected to said outer wall and communicating with said exhaust passage for removing the exhaust gas and the leakage gas;
B. means connected to said means for introducing gas into said chamber for supplying gas to be inhaled by the patient;
C. means connected to said means for removing the exhaust gas and the leakage gas for conducting the exhaust gas and the leakage gas to an area removed from the patient's treatment room; and D. pressure control means connected between said inner and outer walls for communicating said chamber with said exhaust passage, said pressure control means being arranged for gas to enter said chamber from said means for introducing gas into said chamber when the patient inhales gas, and arranged for exhaled gas to enter said exhaust passage from said chamber when the patient exhales gas.
6. The combination as claimed in claim 5 wherein said means for conducting the exhaust gas and the leakage gas to an area removed from the patient's treatment room includes an exhaust pump.
7. The combination as claimed in claim 6 wherein said inner wall is formed of a thin flexible material.
8. The combination as claimed in claim 7 wherein said outer wall has a cup shape and is formed of a thin flexible material.
9. The combination as claimed in claim 6 wherein said pressure control means comprises a pressure-relief valve interposed between said inner and outer walls in communication with said chamber and said exhaust passage, said pressure-relief valve being normally closed while gas enters said chamber from said means for introducing gas into said chamber to be inhaled by the patient, said pressure-relief valve being opened for exhaust gas to enter said exhaust passage from said chamber when the patient exhales gas.
10. The combination as claimed in claim 6 wherein said means including said exhaust pump creates a negative pressure to scavenge the gas leaking between the peripheral edge of said inner wall and the patient's face and comprising relief passages formed in said outer wall communicating with said exhaust passage and the atmosphere to reduce the tendency for the peripheral edge of said inner wall to adhere to the patient's face.
11. The combination as claimed in claim 9 wherein said pressure-relief valve includes adjusting means for regulating the force required to open under the pressure in said chamber for exhaust gas to enter said exhaust passage from said chamber.
CA269,341A 1977-01-07 1977-01-07 Anaesthesic system Expired CA1069411A (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA269,341A CA1069411A (en) 1977-01-07 1977-01-07 Anaesthesic system

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Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA269,341A CA1069411A (en) 1977-01-07 1977-01-07 Anaesthesic system

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CA1069411A true CA1069411A (en) 1980-01-08



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
CA269,341A Expired CA1069411A (en) 1977-01-07 1977-01-07 Anaesthesic system

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CA (1) CA1069411A (en)

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