CA1053093A - Leash with slip loop - Google Patents

Leash with slip loop


Publication number
CA1053093A CA272,808A CA272808A CA1053093A CA 1053093 A CA1053093 A CA 1053093A CA 272808 A CA272808 A CA 272808A CA 1053093 A CA1053093 A CA 1053093A
Prior art keywords
slip loop
connector sleeve
Prior art date
Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the status listed.)
Application number
Other languages
French (fr)
Earl M. Kitchen
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Original Assignee
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Individual filed Critical Individual
Priority to CA272,808A priority Critical patent/CA1053093A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1053093A publication Critical patent/CA1053093A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



  • Agricultural Chemicals And Associated Chemicals (AREA)




An animal leash with slip loop having a slip connector unit associated with the slip loop so that said loop may be adjusted in size according to the size of the neck of the animal with which it is to be used. A simplified embodiment is also provided which allows for simple adjustment of the slop loop without the use of a connector as detailed as in the preferred embodiment.



Field of the Inven-tion ~his invention relates generally to a leash for ..
dogs and other animals which has a slip loop adjustable in size so that said loop may be limited to the proper size for : .
the pa:rticular animal to be leashed.

Description of the Prior Art A common problem of leashes for dogs and other anima]s having slip loop type animal neck engaging means is that the slip loop will tighten too : ~.

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much ~d chDka thq ~nimal. I~ 1~ de~irable to hav~ BOm~ ch~king actlon pr~se~e :~
ln order to ~aint~ln psope~ con~rol of th~ unimal, bu~ le need3 to be limited BO that th~ cho~ing nction wlll not be ~o 8reat a~ to ln~ur~ tho ~lm~l.
Another problem with lulow~ 12ashos for a~imalo i8 thAt i~ they do ;~
provld~ ~d~uatln~ ~a~ or tho 8izo of the loop, aaid at~u~ting me~8 aro complic~tod ~d/or dl~flcult to Ad~ust, or mnny timeD ar~ ~ot po~itive in ~ction ~nd AllOW the ~d~ustment to ~lip or chsnge. Th~ prior ~rt sho~s variouD do8 l~s~h~s for trainin8 snd ~lklng doga such ~8 the patent to ~orton, 2,289,802; the pztent ~o Peterlin, 3,311,088; and the patent to Oll~t~n, 3,096,741. Each of these p~eneo ha8 one or ~re c~ th~ liGi~atio~s ~:
8~ ~e~ioned abo~e. Another p~tent ~hich may be pertinent to the ti~clos~d lnventlon i8 the one to C~rv~r, pRte~t ~o. 1,551~932, ~hich i~ ~a &d~ustabla 8pp8r~tU8 for holdlng a chlld in ~ sent. None of th~ k~o~n prior ~rt deviceo offer the 3imple yet u~iquo structuro es di~closed by tbl~ l~veution.

An ob~ect o ~he pre~ent inv~ntion i8 to provlde a ~leple l~ash for dog3 and other enimsl~ whlch has ~n8 ~her~ith ~or l~mltlo~ the ~i~e of ~h~
~nimnl nec~e~gaging loop.
ALother ob~eot o~ thl~ Qntlon 18 to pr~vlde a leash h~v~n~ fool-proo~ ~aDc for llmttlng th~ p loop ueck~engaging portion o the les~h.
A ~urt~er obJeck o thl~ ~nven~ion 18 to provid~ 8 lea~h ~or dogo snd o~hsr animals h~ving un ad~u~table me~uB fo~ itin~ the ~lnlmum oize o~
th~ nllp loop~
A otill further ob~c~ of this inventlon 1~ to p~oYlde ~ le~sh h4~
8 con~ector thereon ~hich ~ily, y2t p~itively, limit~ the ~ize o~ the ~llp loop ~hlch enga~es the anlmQlb neck.
A stlll further obJ~ct o~ eh~s i~vonelon ~3 to provld~ aah ~ith 81ip loop which 1~ l~w ln C08~, æn5y to ~aBu~aceur~ 8~ yet ~oolproo~ 1 per~on~ance.
One o the blg fe~tureo of thc in~enelo~ di~cloaed hcsai~ o ' . : : . : ., ~ ~t that the slip loop on the leash may be quic~ly and easily adju-- - ~
sted for minimum size, and once so adjusted there will be no chance or danger that the minimum loop size will decrease so as to choke or injure the animal with which the leash is being used.
Further advantages of the disclosed invention are in the slmpllcity thereof as well as the low cost thereof, and yet the ~oolprooE, posltlve action of the slip loop limiting structure.
The present invention is broadly defined as a leash for dogs and similar animals wherein it is desirable to have a slip -~
loop for choking purposes to aid in control of the animal compri-sing: a leash, a hand loop at one end of the leash, a slip loop at the other end of the leash~ and means for limiting the minimum loop size which the slip loop can be reduced to for the purpose of preventing injury to the animal, the means for limiting the minimum :. : .
~ size of the slip loop including a connector sleeve attached to the '~`` extreme other end of the leash and having the main body portion of the leash engaged in a slidable manner therethrough, the connector ~: sleeve includes a rectangular tube of limited length having two holes through each side thereof, the two holes on one side being ~;20 double riveted to the extreme end of the leash mounted inside the . .
` rectangular tube, at least one-limit screw adjustably mounted ' :: , :.' through one of plurality of evenly spaced holes in the leash proper n` for engagement with the connector sleeve to positively limit the minimum slip loop, and the connector sleeve has means for the pur~
.~: pose of reducing friction and reducing side play which includes an ~ additional member riveted on the inside of the sleeve on the portion -~
. .,~ . .
`~`i thereof opposite to the side having the end of the leash attached thereto for the purpose of providing spacer means so that the leash ~ proper will slide inside the connector sleeve between the spacer r. `30 means and the extreme end of the leash.
These together with other objects and advantages which . . ;:
will become subsequently apparent reside in the details of construc-tion and operation as more fully hereinafter described and claimed, ... .
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)530~3 ` r~-~erence being had to the accompanying drawings Eorming a part ~ `hereof, wherein like numerals refer to like parts throughout.
; Figure 1 is a perspective view of one preferred embodiment oE this invention. `~
Figure 2 is a cross-sectional view oE a portion of the le~lsh of th:ls lnvention showing the limit connector taken generally along lines 2-2 of Figure 1.
Figure 3 is a cross-sectional view ta~en along line 3-3 : ~ .
~lO of Figure 1 showing an end view of said connector.
Figure 4 is a perspective view of the connector member ~; per se.
.; Figure 5 is a view partly in perspective and partly in .. ~ .
~ cross section showing one of the limit stops for use with the leash ,~
, ~ and connector.
. ~ ,; .
Figure 6 is a modification of another embodiment of `': ~;.
this invention.
ReEerring to Figure 1 of the drawing, reference numeral ,,. ~ . . .
"` 20 10 indicates .. . . .

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the pre~erred e~bodlment o~ ~he leash with a ~lip loop hsv~n~ a loop ll~lt connector ~hereon. Th~ m~ln portlon of the le~sh ~2 has on~ end pro~ided wlth ~ :
a hand loop 13 formed by donbllng over thl~ end of the leash and f~seeni~g it by ~ultable ~euns at lS. The leash ~terlal 18 pre~erAbly l~ather, b~t to keep the C03t down may be of pla~lc o~ le~8 expensive ~aterlsl. The othur end o~
the l~nsh 12 ha~ an ~nd 14 which i~ providet with evenly spaccd holes 25 np8cod thesenlon~. ~etween the mlddle portlon of the l~ash ~nd thi~ end 14 addition~l evenly spaced hole~ 25 ~re pro~ided. The use of ssid hole~ will be de~crib~d .~ ln dct~ll below.
A connector member 20, shown best in Figure ~, co~prise~ a hollo~
~ube-llke re~tangular unlt. The opening ~ithin s~id conneceor 1~ Rpprox~mee~ly three t~me~ the th~ckn~s of the len~h 12 and 611ghtly w~der th~n aaid lea~h.
, . , ~
.... Holes 22 are provided on e~ch ~de portlon of sald co~nector a~d sn lDs~rt me~ber 30 of th~ ~m~ epproYimate thlckne~s a~ the le~sh it0e~ 18 si~et~d by meaG8 0S rivet~ 24 to cne ~lde of said connector. ~3 showa ~ Flgure 4, t~8 i8 th~ ~lde cw~y fro~ the vlewer. The other ~ida of the co~nector, th~t ~
the ~ld~ facing the vi~w~r ~ Flgure 4, i8 perma~ently fas~ened to the extre~ :
nd of the leash portion 14 by similar ri~ets 24, as be3~ ~een ln Figure 2, Z, The le~sh is th~a threaded ~hrough the re~ g center op~ning o~ the co~o ector between the end 14 o~ th~ lea~h and the sp~cin~ me~b~r 3~ 80 tha~ ehe . ~ ~
.` ~ai~ body la of tha lea~h ~ill p~88 ~h~ough th~ center o~ the co~nector b~twae~ ~

`~;~ the two po~tion8 o le~h materl~l as be~t ~een i~ Flgure 3. Thi3 structura ::

onr~ ~ ~trQn~ rlp~p~oo~ typ~ co~Leetio~ at the e~d o~ the le~h ~d a~ ca~

:` vi3udllzed by looking at F~gure 1 ~llo~ the ~iz~ o tha loop to be e~lly :

: cha~ged to it ~ny slze animQl.
, :.: Stop or l~mit kllo~ ~de of sl~etal ~Fl~re 5)s compr4~e the k~sb ~ni~
,: .
~ 32 havlng an anlsrged he~d 36 thereo~ ~nd bol~g borad ~nd ~¢r~-thr~d~d, :: oho~ at 33. The scrcw^thr~d~d recep~cl~ 33 recolY~ a corr~ponding 0crQN :~

; 35 h~vlng ~ he~d 34 and scr~dr~er ~lot 37 th~s~ia. AB C~n be~t bs ~on ~n '`` ~ig~ra 2, eS~ Gtops msy b~ e~t~d ln the proper holes 25 And ~he two part~

. fir~ly ~crewed togeth~r to ~orn poo~tlve li~it ~top~ ~or the co~etor unit 20.

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Once the connector uni~ i9 ~d~ustcd togeeher with ~he limit ~top3 or the n~ck slze o~ a pertlcular animal, no further adJu~tment need be made, and the le~ h may be used with n slight choking action but said ~ction will be pos~tively llmited BO that no lnJury will occur to the anim~l. Thc connector block 20 ~y bo o~ pl~DtiC, metal, or slmllar materlal.
Figure 6 ~how~ n modified embodiment of ehi8 lnvention. Shown i~
ge~eral by reference numeral S0, the maln body of the lQa~h 52 has at one end thereof A hand holdlng loop forned therei~ by doubll~g s~d le~sh b~ck upon its~lf to fo~m ~ loop 53 aud ~aid doubled end ~ f~tened to the m~i~ lessh - by clQmp m~an~ 5S, ~aid cl~p pr~ferably being o~ metal or pla~tlc ~a~r1al.
,~: The other end of ehe les~h ha~ 4 portion 54 which ior~ the neck-en~aging ~l~p . .;.
.- loop port~on of th~ lea~h ~nd thi~ end sim~l~rly has an e~d ~oubled b~c~ upon lt~elf and cl~ped by e ~milar cla~p 55 to form a ~mall connector e~gaging ;........... loop 57 thereln. The u~er of thi~ leash wlll measure the approxl~at~ nock ~iz~
of th~ ~nim31 to be leashed and make a~ approprl~te k~ot 56 i~ the le~h ~hera~
~ ~t. ~ connector ~e~n~ 58 1~ then f~ste~ed throu~h the loop S7 ~ud .~he other i end o~ tho connactor me~n~ 58 1~ ~ecured slld~b~y nrou~d the m~-n l~ash boty :-.. ,. . ~ .
-- 52, thus eh~ knot 56 ~111 }imit ~he amou~ oE chokin~ wh~ch will ba penmltt~ :
by th¢ slip loop B ~8 ~h~w~ i~ Flgure 6. ~or anim~ls of difere~t slze an sppropri~te ~d~ustment of the posltlon of knot 56 ~u~t be made by the user.
Thi~ device doe~ not of~er quite th~ flexibllit~ and convenle~ce o~ ehe pre-e~red e0bod~a~ of Figure 1, but it 16 la6~ exp~sive tha~ ~he ebove.
The lnventlon th~t 1~ dlsclo~ad hsreln of~or~ a ~i~pla, yet effectlva . ~ j~ - . .
~: po01tlve ad~u~tm~nt for ~lip 1OOPB of leashe~ ~or dog~ ~d other ~ni~ which .
i~ new ~nd ~n~que.
~:~ Tha oregoing i~ considered ~ illu~tratlve oaly of the prl~clpl~s o~ the lnvontlon. Further, ~1~CQ numsrous modl Mc~tionD ~nd change~ wlll.
r~adily occur to eho~ 3k~ d i~ th~ art, lt 1~ ~o~ te~ired to l~mit the ; invon~lon to the e~act con~tructio~ s~d opcr~tLo~ ~hown and dasorlbad9 and accordlngly ~ ult~ble mod~fic~tion~ and equl~al~t3 ~3y be re~oreed to, : .- . :

`;.: falling wlthin the 3CO~ 0~ the inveution.

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Claims (4)

The embodiments of the invention, in which an exclusive property or privilege is claimed, are defined as follows:
1. A leash for dogs and similar animals wherein it is desirable to have a slip loop for choking purposes to aid in control of the animal compri-sing: a leash, a hand loop at one end of said leash, a slip loop at the other end of said leash, and means for limiting the minimum loop size which said slip loop can be reduced to for the purpose of preventing injury to the animal, the means for limiting the minimum size of the slip loop including a connector sleeve attached to the extreme other end of said leash and having the main body portion of said leash engaged in a slidable manner therethrough, the said connector sleeve includes a rectangular tube of limited length having two holes through each side thereof, said two holes on one side being double riveted to said extreme end of the leash mounted inside the rectangular tube, at least one limit screw adjustably mounted through one of plurality of evenly spaced holes in said leash proper for engagement with said connector sleeve to positively limit the minimum slip loop, and the connector sleeve has means for the purpose of reducing friction and reducing side play which includes an additional member riveted on the inside of the sleeve on the portion thereof opposite to the side having the end of said leash attached thereto for the purpose of providing spacer means so that the leash proper will slide inside said connector sleeve between said spacer means and said extreme end of the leash.
2. The device of claim 1 wherein the limit screw has two separable posts and one portion having a threaded aperture therein with an enlarged head on the end opposite to said aperture, and a second portion having screw threads thereon and an enlarged head with a screwdriver slot therein for mating with the one portion and completing the limit screw structure.
3. The device of claim 2 wherein the leash itself is made of leather and the hand hold is formed by the end of the leash opposite to said slip loop being doubled back upon itself and appropriately fastened to the main body portion of the leash by riveting.
4. The device of claim 3 wherein the leash itself is made of plastic and the hand hold is formed on the end opposite to said slip loop by folding said leash back upon itself and plastic heat welding the pieces together.
CA272,808A 1977-02-28 1977-02-28 Leash with slip loop Expired CA1053093A (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA272,808A CA1053093A (en) 1977-02-28 1977-02-28 Leash with slip loop

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA272,808A CA1053093A (en) 1977-02-28 1977-02-28 Leash with slip loop

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
CA1053093A true CA1053093A (en) 1979-04-24



Family Applications (1)

Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
CA272,808A Expired CA1053093A (en) 1977-02-28 1977-02-28 Leash with slip loop

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CA (1) CA1053093A (en)

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
GB2517703A (en) * 2013-08-28 2015-03-04 Jon Frank Ross Whyte Combined animal collar and lead

Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
GB2517703A (en) * 2013-08-28 2015-03-04 Jon Frank Ross Whyte Combined animal collar and lead
GB2517703B (en) * 2013-08-28 2015-07-22 Jon Frank Ross Whyte A combined animal collar and lead

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