CA1041562A - Leading link type independent suspension systems - Google Patents

Leading link type independent suspension systems


Publication number
CA1041562A CA247,488A CA247488A CA1041562A CA 1041562 A CA1041562 A CA 1041562A CA 247488 A CA247488 A CA 247488A CA 1041562 A CA1041562 A CA 1041562A
Prior art keywords
leading link
suspension system
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French (fr)
Andre Quigniot
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    • B62D7/00Steering linkage; Stub axles or their mountings
    • B62D7/06Steering linkage; Stub axles or their mountings for individually-pivoted wheels, e.g. on king-pins
    • B62D7/08Steering linkage; Stub axles or their mountings for individually-pivoted wheels, e.g. on king-pins the pivotal axes being situated in a single plane transverse to the longitudinal centre line of the vehicle
    • B60G17/00Resilient suspensions having means for adjusting the spring or vibration-damper characteristics, for regulating the distance between a supporting surface and a sprung part of vehicle or for locking suspension during use to meet varying vehicular or surface conditions, e.g. due to speed or load
    • B60G17/02Spring characteristics, e.g. mechanical springs and mechanical adjusting means
    • B60G17/04Spring characteristics, e.g. mechanical springs and mechanical adjusting means fluid spring characteristics
    • B60G17/0408Spring characteristics, e.g. mechanical springs and mechanical adjusting means fluid spring characteristics details, e.g. antifreeze for suspension fluid, pumps, retarding means per se
    • B62D13/00Steering specially adapted for trailers
    • B62D13/04Steering specially adapted for trailers for individually-pivoted wheels


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Chemical & Material Sciences (AREA)
  • Combustion & Propulsion (AREA)
  • Transportation (AREA)
  • Vehicle Body Suspensions (AREA)
  • Steering-Linkage Mechanisms And Four-Wheel Steering (AREA)



" Leading link type independent suspension systems "
In a leading link type independent suspension system a pair of leading links are mounted for oscillating movement on the vehicle chassis. A half axle is fixed to each leading link and is pivotally connected to a stub axle by a vertical swivel pin. An assembly mounted between each link and its half axle comprises a deformable chamber disposed in parallel with an anti-roll damper, a clevis with a vertical pivot axis connecting the deformable chamber to an arm fixed to its leading link. One of the ends of each anti-roll damper is connected to its associated clevis. A connecting bar with ball joints interconnects the clevises of the pair of leading links.
The half axles are blocked by pneumatic jacks during backing up movement of the vehicle. A safety microswitch controls the supply of compressed air to the deformable chamber and is mounted on each leading link for detecting pivotal movements of the associated half axle.


~ -` 1041S~2 The pr~ser.~ ln~ention relates to indspendent suæpenslon ~y~tems, par~icularly o~ th~ so-called leading link or Dubonnet type.
In this type or suspen810n system whlch has been known ~or a long time a stub axle is rlgidly conne¢ted to a halr axle ~ixed to an osclllatlng lndependent leading llnk or arm.
Other suspenslon systems are known in whl¢h are ; connected to stub axles plvotal mountlng rorming an aæsembly 10 connected ~o a single rigld axle, employing pneumatlc bellows and shock absorbers, Or the slmple quadrllateral type which by m~ans Or an equalizing valve, a rod and an arm, in the best possible condition wlth conventlonal sprlng~ are lntended to absorb bumps and hlgh rrequency vlbratlon~ lmparted to a 15 motor vehicle, traller or a semi-traller movlng along a road.
Such sy~tems do not allow the single or double wheelæ, partlcularly those Or heavy lorrles or trucks, to remaln ~c~
perpendlcular to the radll Or the turning clrcle when taking a ourve.
An aim Or the present inventlon 18 preclsely to make the axles selr-orlentlng by providlng a ~uspen~lon ~ystem automatlcally as~urlng the orlentatlon Or each wheel or group Or ~heels as a runctlon Or the turnlng clrcle ror a curve.
Aocordlng to the lnventlon there ls provlded an 25 independent suspenslon system o~ the so-called leading link or Dubonnet type comprlslng a halr axle rlxed to each leading l~nk, a stub axle plvotally connected to ach halr axle by a , -~ertloal plvot, an assembiy mounted between the leading link ~nd the h~lr a~le comprisin~ an elastic ehamber ln p~rall-l 30 ~ith an antl-roll damper said elastlc cha~ber being ¢onnected ..~
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I pivot~lly by a v~rtical ~xi~ clevis to an ~rm ~lxed to the halr ~xle,one o~ the end~ Or the anti-roll damper ~eing connected to saLd clevis, the olevis o~ each pair o~ leading links being interconnected by a connecting bar wlth ball ~oints.
Other ~eatures and adva~tages of the present lnventlon will be brought out in the ~ollowing description of an embodiment of the present suspension syste~ given merely by way o~ example with reference to the accompanying 10 drawing, ln which : .
Figure 1 is a top plan view of the pre~erred e~bodiment of the suspension system accordlng to the present inventlon.
Flgure 2 shows a rrOnt elevation vlew o~ the 15 suspension system in ~igure 1, and Figure 3 shows a side elevation vlew of the suspension system of flguresl and 2 with a block dlagram Or the control circultry there~or.
Flgures 1 and 2 show a pair o~ lndependent leading 20 lin~-~ 6 and 7 mounted ~or oscillating movement about horizontal pivots 8 and 9 rigidly ~ixed to the chassis 19 o~ ~
the vehicle. A hal~ axle 40,41 ls rixed to each leading llnk -6,7; the hal~ axles 40,41 are pivotally connected ln turn to stub axles 4,5 by vertical swi~el pin3 32,33. ~-~
~ach stub axle 4,5 carries a wheel 2,3 (or ~ pair or wheels) ~nd a brake support 36,37.
Eetween the chassls 19 and each leading llnk 6,7 a pneumatic bellow~ 13, 14 and a shock absorber 30,31 are lntespo~ed convention~-7.
~ 30 An elactic chamber 26,27 is ~ixed on each leadlng .. ., . ,. . ~ ~ ,, ' ', . .
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.' link 6,7 between two ~lange~ 60, 61 and 62,6~ whlch are integral with their re~p~ctive links 6,7.
i Each o~ vhe flangeæ 62,63 has an opening ~or the displacement Or a compresslon piston 64,65 in its elastic chamber 26,27, The outer end Or each piston 64, 65 ls rixed to a gusset plate 66,67 whlch ln turn is welded to a clevls 68,69, with a vertlcal axls. The clevls 68,69 ls plvotally mounted on a pin carrled by arms70, 71 rlgidly connected to the half axle 4,5. The two clevises 68,69, are conne¢ted to - 10 each other by a connecting bar 72 with ball ~olnts 7~, 74 ' s¢hematically.represented. .~.
-' An a.~tl-roll da~per 28,29 is arranged in parallel wlth each Or the elastio cha~ber~ 26, 27,one end of the antl-roll da~per ls rixed to the leadlng llnk 6,7 and the I 15 other to the clevis 68,69.
~' Each elastlc cha~ber 26,27 ls connected (~lgure ~) to a bur~er vessel 48 vla an equalizlng valve 23 (one for ; each leading link). Each equallzlng valve 23 is mounted on . ohassls 19 and 18 cor.trolled by a rod 24 and an ar~ 25 ~:
.- 20 Jolned to the leadlng link 6,7.
The burfer vessel 48 ls connected to auxiliary . ~torage vessels 44 and 45 Or co~pressed alr ~or the vehlcle . through a sarety mlcroswltch 52 and a preæsure control devlce 46.
A mloroswltch 52 iæ mounted on each leadlng llnkg . 6,7 and may be secured ~or example to the non rotatable portlon o~ the swlvel pln 32, 33; the microswitches ~2 are actuated by t~e plvotal movement o~ the stub axles 4,5 about thelr swlvel ~lnæ ~2,3~. Th.~ two Qiero~wit.ches 52 ar~
30 connected ln serles ln the llno or condult between the burrer . _ _ . . . ;?
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¦ vessel 4~ and the pressure control devlce I~S, Th~ pressure con~rol devlce 46 is ¢onnected to an electrically op~rated valve 47 whl¢h in turn 1~ ¢onnected to two blocking devlces, prererably small pneumatic ~acks or plston and cylinder units 42, 43 ror ea¢h halr axle. Ea¢h pneumati¢ ~a¢k 42, 4~ 18 rastened to a ¢orresponding lead$ng link 6, 7. The piston rods of the ¢ylinders 42, 43 ar~
adapted to blo¢k in a known manner displaceMents Or the elastic chamber 26, 27 in both dlre¢tions. The electrl¢ally operated valve 47 is connected to a halr axle-blocking ¢ontrol device 51; a warning light indi¢ates that the hal~
; axles are blocked. The electrical power supply is provided '~ by a storage battery 49.
; 5uch a suspension system makes lt possible when ~ -taking a curve rOr the stub axle 4 Or th~ outside wheel to have a less pronounced angle or lncllnatlon than the stub axle 5 Or the inside wheel. m e wheels remaln perpendicular to the radil Or the turning clrcle when negotlatlng the curve and transmit through the arms 70, 71, the clevises 68,69, the gus~et plates 66,67 pnoumatlcally stablllzed pre~sure to the elastlc chambers 26, 27;
The burrer vessel 48 and the equallzing valves 23 havo tho run¢tlon Or preventlng even durlng collapse Or the a#tio chambers 26, 27, a pressuro greater than ne¢essary . .
; 25 rOr returnlng the wheels to thelr inltlal posltion.
~; The pressure control dovice 46 18 responsible ror the control Or tho pressure ln the elastic chambers slnce there i~ a large dir~erence in the ~rictlon rOrce e~erted on the tires dependlng on ~hether ~ ~ahlcle is loaded er -~; 30 not. The preæsure ln the elastlc cha~bers must not be less ; ` ::' . ., . . , ~t``",~ .',.. '`',,,,'.~., '.
r ~ , .

than 6 at~nospheres. The prss~uIe control devlce may b~
located on the vehlcle wherever appropriate, When the vehicle is not carrying a load, the pressure control device 46 must be in a posltion so that the equalizlng valves 23 may be introduced ~or ~upplylng air to each elastic ohamber.
When the vehicle is loaded the pressure control device 46 must be in the maxi~um pressure position.
The axle blocking device operates as follows.
In reverse gear the halr axles 40~41 must be blocked, in other words they must operate as a normal axle rixed to the leading links. Be~ore backing up the vehicle, the control lever 51 is actuated which opens the clrcuit 1 supplying the pneumatl¢ ~a¢ks 42, 43, the piston rods thereo~ -¦ 15 blocking the elastic chamber 26, 27. me warning light 50 is 1 illuminated indlcatlng that the two halr axles are blocked.
:~ - As soon as the backing up ~anoeuver is completed, the control lever 51 must be actuated on¢e again to cut orf the supply Or air to the pneumatic ~acks 42, 43 and exhaust the air thererrom. The plston Or each pneumatic Jacks 42,43 returns to its initial posltio~ thereby releasing the selr-t orientating halr axles. m e boocking control lever 51 ror ¦ blocking the halr axles is withln the driver's reach inside - the cab or the vehicle. m e runction Or the sarety mlcroswltches 52 is to trigger the opening Or the equallzlng ~alves 23 rOr supplying the elastlc cha~ber 26,27, should ~ the driveir ~orget to return the control lever 51 to lts '1 $nitlal posltlon. Thls ls a sarety reature which could '3i obvlGusly be option~l eguip3ent, It go6is wlthout say that the inventlon ls not llmlted - - 6 _ ;.
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;to tha particular e~bodiment described hereln where the two halr axles eqch have one wheel but encompass~3 ~11 modiflcations, alternatives and equivalents wlthln the ~cope Or the appended clalms, namely where each o~ the hal~
axles carrles a pair Or wheels.
The suspension system accordlng to the invention ~ -may be used ln different ways ln the motor vehicle lndustry as well as the rallway car constructlon industry. In the ~-motor vehlcle lndustry the present suspsnsion system may be 10 u~for heavy vehlcles such as heavy lorries or trucks, buses ~-or coaches, trailers, se~l-trallers and the llke.
The present suspen~lon syste~ results ln energy ~avings, better load distrlbutlonJ reduced tire wear, i improved road safety, and reduced road surface wear.

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Claims (6)

1. An independent suspension system of the leading link type for a vehicle, in which a pair of independent leading links are mounted on vehicle frame for oscillating movement, comprising a half axle fixed to each leading link, a stub axle pivotally connected to each half axle by a vertical swivel pin, an assembly mounted between each leading link and its associated half axle including an elastic chamber disposed in parallel with an anti-roll damper, a vertical axis pivot mounting effectively connecting said elastic chamber to its leading link, one of the ends of said anti-roll damper being connected to said vertical axis pivot mounting, and a ball-jointed connecting bar interconnecting both said vertical axis pivot mountings.
2. A suspension system according to claim 1, wherein each said elastic chamber is connected to a buffer vessel through an equalizing valve, a conduit connecting said buffer vessel with a compressed air circuit of the vehicle for supplying compressed air to said buffer vessel.
3. A suspension system according to claim 2, further comprising a pressure control device disposed in the conduit supplying compressed air to said buffer vessel.
4. A suspension system according to claim 1, further comprising means for controlling the blocking of said half axles during backing up movement or the vehicle comprising a pneumatic piston and cylinder unit mounted on each said leading link and adapted to block displacements of its elastic chamber and a control circuit for said pneumatic piston and cylinder unit including an electrically operated valve, means for controlling said valve and a warning signal circuit responsive to said safety valve.
5. A suspension system according to claim 4, further comprising a microswitch for controlling the supply of compressed air to said elastic chamber mounted on each said leading link and detecting pivotal movements of its associated half axle.
6. A suspension system according to claim 1, further comprising an arm fixed to each half shaft and connecting said elastic chamber to its leading link.
CA247,488A 1975-03-11 1976-03-09 Leading link type independent suspension systems Expired CA1041562A (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

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CA247,488A Expired CA1041562A (en) 1975-03-11 1976-03-09 Leading link type independent suspension systems

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DE19919321A1 (en) 1999-04-28 2000-11-02 Deere & Co Steering system and harvesting machine
CN111186270B (en) * 2020-01-22 2022-09-20 同济大学 Electric wheel independent suspension structure with four control arms

Family Cites Families (2)

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Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
DE1580655A1 (en) * 1965-11-05 1970-12-17 Valentino Rigo Manually or automatically controlled device with the help of which the wheels of the fourth axle on trucks can be made self-adjusting
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